P2 rm4 Mrs campbell
P2 Room 4, Mrs Campbell, Mrs. Watt (Tuesday afternoons) and Mr Wright (Thursday afternoon).
In P2 we are all a team and enjoy learning new things. We have our ‘Class Recognition Window’ to show off our successes and achievements in both our learning and being ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’ around the school. In the class we can earn stars to go in our jar which we work together to earn a treat. We also have Star of the Week, this is someone who has shown our school values throughout this week and gone above and beyond in their learning. We also earn House Points for being Ready, Respectful and safe around the school.
On Thursday’s and Friday’s, we have PE. On Tuesdays with Mrs. Watt , we explore different concepts of digital learning and with Mr Wright we are continuing to develop our PE skills. Each day we have Mrs. Leitch, Mrs Smith or Miss Smith supporting our class.
We started the term reminding ourselves of the Rights of the Child, we discussed the values we aim to have in class and found relevant articles to support these values. We refer to our rights throughout our learning every day. We also enjoy watching news rounds and discussing how children’s rights are being affected by national events in the world.
In numeracy we are currently learning about place value and for the revising counting in order to 100. Throughout the year we will explore lots of different numeracy concepts and get homework related to our learning.
Each Friday we will complete a writing task, this term focusing on description and creating wow sentences. This will be a weeklong effort as we have our 'Big Write Blether' on a Monday and develop our VCOP skills throughout the week. Please ask your child each week about their Big Write as talking about it is a great way to develop our writing ideas.
Currently we are learning about the enchanted forest and exploring woodlands vs our local area. We will also be hoping to go on a trip soon and have our class assembly celebrating our learning.
Homework will be given out on a Tuesday in our jotters and be handed back in on a Monday. We have a busy year ahead of us, but we are raring to go as we apply our Growth Mindsets and resilience strategies! Looking forward to sharing our learning at meet the teacher, stay and play morning and parents night with you all.