Tulloch Primary School

Tulloch Primary School
Courage and Compassion

Upcoming Literacy Events

Our new P7 Librarians are busy getting our library ready and organised to open to our school in the next week.  We are so lucky that there are 3 literacy events in the next week which will help us to launch this!

On Friday 6th September we will be celebrating National Read a Book Day and will be inviting classes along to the library to pick a book they can give a new home!  We hope you enjoy this story too and can enjoy reading this together over the weekend.

8th September is International Literacy Day and over the next few weeks, our library walls will be recognising and showing all the languages we speak in our school.  Watch out for photos on Twitter to celebrate our diversity!

On Friday 13th September our library will be open to all classes, just in time to celebrate Roald Dahl Day!  

What an exciting week ahead!