Tulloch Primary School

Tulloch Primary School
Courage and Compassion

The Bike Station

The bike station would like your views.  Please see links below which will take you to surveys to gather your views and opinions.

Travel survey for parents/carers: 

This is to get data on how families travel to school and find out what their barriers to cycling are.  We are interested in everyone's views, even if families do not want to cycle / have no interest in cycling. If you have completed this already you do not need to do it again - thanks to everyone who has sent us information so far!


Adult Bike & Activity request form for parents/carers: 

The KBL project offers bikes and activities to parents & carers as well as pupils.  Adults can request a free refurbished bike to keep and also tell us if they would like:

  • getting a free adult refurbished bike
  • adult cycling workshops
  • a bike bus
  • family rides 
  • volunteering opportunities


Travel survey for children: 

Our funder TACTRAN would like children to fill in this survey - please could you distribute in class if possible and/or to families.