School Closure - Remote Learning
The school is closed due to industrial action of UNISON members. Teaching staff are not on strike and will provide remote learning.
In line with school policy, digital platforms in Glow (Microsoft Teams) will be used for providing live lessons.
Learning Journals will be used as a platform for sharing differentiated learning activities in Literacy, Numeracy and other curriculum areas.
If you are not yet connected to your child’s Learning Journal, please complete the Form here Within 24 hours you will receive an email with instructions on how to join.
P1-P3 teachers will be sharing Teams logins on Learning Journals.
P4-P7 pupils should know how to access their Glow account but if you are having any difficulties, please let teachers know through LJ or by emailing
In summary – learning tasks will be set daily on Learning Journals and pupils should use this platform for sharing their work. Live lessons will be provided daily on Microsoft Teams (the times of these will be shared on Learning Journals post each day)